
Hartley Guinea Pig


Guinea pigs are Cavia porcellus of the order Rodentia and family Caviidae. The origin of the colonies at Hilltop is uncertain. All colony histories contain some possibility of inaccuracy. This information is provided to the best of Hilltop's knowledge.
Growth Chart
Blood Chemistries
Viral Antibody Profile
Services Offered
  • Retired Breeders
  • Timed Pregant
  • Untimed Pregnant
  • Littermates
  • Mothers with Litters


The coat color of the guinea pig is albino and the animals are short-haired. The guinea pig colonies are maintained using an outbred breeding system. The colonies at Hilltop are closed colonies and have been so for over thirty years. Closed colonies do develop qualities causing the guinea pigs to be uniquely suited to certain types of research.